Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thinking critically. Ethos Pathos Logos.

You will be able

Discuss the article in groups
Analyze logic and support of its arguments
Analyze the emotional effects on the reader from language and details used

Activity 11

Break into groups and discuss Logos questions. Record answers on paper and orally present them to the class.

Afterwards, discuss the Pathos questions, record answers on paper and orally present answers to class.

You will be graded on thoughtfulness of answers, presenting your findings clearly and quickly, producing written answers, and group participation.

Friday, May 18, 2012


What is your reaction that a name can affect your chances in the job market? Fair, Unfair, or just reality. Explain.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Loaded Words - Connotation

You will be able to:
analyze the way "loaded words" evoke a positive and emotional response from readers
analyze the use of rhetorical functions of "loaded words" with  ethos and pathos identified in the article "A Change of Heart About Animals"

  • identify at least 5 loaded words in the text and match with a neutral word Act 8
  • analyze why researchers in general has an effect on ethos when you specify a "scientist at Gettysburg college..."
  • analyze why using a series of unsupported rhetorical questions affect a reader's perspective.
  • analyze the which clarity of meaning is affected by patterns of organization. Act 9

Monday, May 7, 2012

Rubric score for Activity 7

On a scale of  6-5-4-3-2-1.  6 being best, 3 being marginal (like a D, and 1 barely done.

1. underline the thesis and major claims
2. underline the supporting evidence
3.write comments and questions on the margins
4.answered the after reading questions

total of 24 points then divide by 6.

Activity 7 rereading texts

You will follow the strategies and complete the tasks found in Activity 7

Friday, May 4, 2012

Visual representations and highlights

You will be able to

Apply word knowledge to determine meaning of words.

Visually represent a selected word it's origin, history, synonyms and antonyms .

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Activity 1 and 2

You will be able to:

analyze features of rhetorical devices ETHOS PATHOSLOGOS as seen in Rifkins article: "A change of Heart about Animals"

verify and clarify facts by answering the prediction questions in Activity 2 and 3.

skim and scan for information without reading the whole article as a strategy for effecient studying.